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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Gen Z Just Might Save The World

• Caitlin Johnstone - Substack

Kids are taking over university campuses around the world for the noblest possible reason anyone could do such a thing in 2024. There are so many reasons to feel pessimistic, but Gen Z's fierce opposition to the Gaza genocide is a massive reason to have hope for the future. 

I talk all the time here about the need for a collective awakening and revolution in order to turn this disaster of a civilization around, but it could turn out that what ends up saving humankind is as mundane as a superior generation of humans emerging out of the information age and replacing inferior generations who've been far more indoctrinated by mass media propaganda.

Northeastern University brought in the police to break up a pro-Palestine demonstration, claiming antisemitic slurs and hate speech were being used by the demonstrators, but witnesses say it was actually pro-Israel counter-demonstrators who'd been shouting the antisemitic slogans, and a video confirms this. The pro-Israel agitators got some 100 demonstrators arrested by standing near them and shouting "Kill the Jews", but they themselves were not arrested.
