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The Names & Faces of the Bilderbergers Who Manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic Response


It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group's website stated that it "had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions."[1] Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators.

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the COVID-19 event.

Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to list them under the most important played. Steering committee members (both present and former) are underlined.

Virus R & D

See Wikispoooks' full article: COVID-19/Origins

A lot of evidence suggests that SARS-CoV2 did not occur naturally, but was genetically manipulated from a naturally occurring bat coronavirus and possibly parts of additional viruses [2]. Bilderberg members have done important work in developing the CRISPR gene editing technique:

Bernard Cazeneuve – 2018 – In 2017 attended the founding ceremony of the BSL-4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, together with Yves Lévy, whose wife abruptly banned over-the-counter sales of hydroxychloroquine in France in January 2020,[3] declaring it "poisonous" without explanation.[4][5]

Emmanuelle Charpentier – 2016 – Pioneered CRISPR as a tool for genome editing (for which she was co-recipient of a Nobel prize in 2020)

Sean Parker – 2010 – Billionaire who was the first to gain NIH approval for a trial of CRISPR [6]

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