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IPFS News Link • Congress-Congressmen

Republican Speaker Johnson To Pass $95.3 Billion Foreign Aid Package Using Democrats

•, ZeroHedge

The bills would provide around $60.8 billion for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, and $8.1 billion for Taiwan. Johnson included a fifth bill to appease Republicans that would revive the Secure Border Act – so US border security is essentially an afterthought. Far-right conservatives in the House balked at the new plan, calling the border language "watered down" and demanding it to be attached to Ukraine aid, as previously promised.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is scrambling – both to keep his job, and to pass several bills to devote billions in US taxpayer funds to foreign entanglements that Johnson's conservative base has little-to-no appetite for. The bills would provide around $60.8 billion for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, and $8.1 billion for Ukraine. Meanwhile, following Republican outcry – Johnson included a fifth bill which would revive the Secure Border Act – so US border security is essentially an afterthought.

In order to appease said base, Johnson – who faces a growing threat of removal by House conservatives – has added a US border security measure to the package, which he told lawmakers the House would vote on Saturday night. The $95.3 billion package includes three aid bills to send funds to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, after claiming that the situation in Ukraine was at a tipping point, and the "axis of evil" of Russia, China and Iran are coordinating to help Russia to push further into Europe, like Hitler.

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