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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Watch: Biden Falsely Claims That WWII Uncle Eaten By Cannibals, Twice

•, by Tyler Durden

While attempting to disparage former President Donald Trump for 'skipping out' on a 2018 visit to a military cemetery outside Paris (when in fact the Navy made a 'bad-weather' call), Biden claimed that his uncle, 2nd Lt. Ambrose J. "Bozey" Finnegan Jr., was shot down in World War II and eaten by cannibals.

"He was a hell of an athlete, they tell me, when he was a kid. He flew those single-engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones, and he got shot down in New Guinea. They never found the body because there used to be, there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea," Biden said during a Wednesday stop in Pittsburgh - an account which appears in the official transcript of his remarks.

"They never recovered his body, but the government went back when I went down there and they checked and found some parts of the plane," Biden continued.

Except that's total bullshit of course

As Jonathan Turley points outthere was a survivor who gave a detailed account of how Finnegan and another man remained in the plane as it sank. What's more, Bozey's plane was not shot down - it was a Douglas A-20 Havoc with two Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior 9-cylinder radial engines. The plane had mechanical problems when it crashed near New Guinea and simply sank into the ocean.

"On May 14, 1944, an A-20 havoc (serial number 42-86768), with a crew of three and one passenger, departed Momote Airfield, Los Negros Island, for a courier flight to Nadzab Airfield, New Guinea. For unknown reasons, this plane was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea. Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft's nose hit the water hard. Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash. One crew member survived and was rescued by a passing barge. An aerial search the next day found no trace of the missing aircraft or the lost crew members."