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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

"I Can't Go To My Son's Graduation": NY Judge Threatens Trump With Arrest

• Zero Hedge

Update (1750ET): The first day of Donald Trump's 'hush money' trial was fairly uneventful - aside from the judge, a complete dick, barring the former President from attending his son's graduation and threatening arrest if he does.

Speaking after a long day of jury selection and ground rules (with more than 50 jurors dismissed), Trump walked out of the courtroom and expressed his obvious displeasure.

"As you know my son is graduating from High School, and looks like the judge will not let me go to the graduation for a son who's worked very, very hard," Trump said, adding that he was "looking forward for years to having graduation with his mother and father there," adding that the trial is a "scam" and a "political witch hunt."