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IPFS News Link • Transportation: Air Travel

The World's First Flying Motorcycle Could Hit the Skies by the End of the Decade


The intriguing "flying motorcycle," formerly known as the Jetpack Aviation Speeder, is moving ahead in its development with a new name—the Razor. "There were just too many things out there calling themselves 'Speeder,'" says David Mayman, the CEO of both Jetpack Aviation and Mayman Aerospace.

The name change comes as Mayman and company temporarily pivot away from the jet bike and focus on its autonomous, high-speed VTOL, also called the Razor. The military-designated super-drone uses eight small jet turbines, mounted two per corner, to produce speeds above 400 knots, flying to a 20,000-foot ceiling, with a 200-mile range. This unmanned predecessor to what Mayman envisions as his flying motorcycle uses the same tech but offers a more appealing and immediate business proposition for his firm.

"Electric drones can carry 20 to 50 pounds and fly 100 mph," Mayman says. "We can carry from 100 to 500 pounds and fly at speeds approaching 500 mph." The unique combination of capacity and speed has caught the government's attention, resulting in development deals with the Department of Defense.

Working prototypes are already aloft, and Mayman expects to complete testing in Q3 with delivery of the initial version to the DOD in Q1 2025. That model won't hit the range and speed numbers Mayman cites—at least not yet. But subsequent iterations will. "Realistically, I expect military certification next year, then two years of building flight hours," he says.

Besides military use, Mayman says the Razor is "perfect for disaster relief. Hurricane, tornado, even wildfire, anywhere you need to ferry supplies in and out very quickly." He also foresees a business market, especially for companies that have to move heavy equipment back and forth or reach remote locations in any weather conditions, like oil rigs or construction projects.
