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IPFS News Link • Employee and Employer Relations

Working From Home "Here To Stay": Here's The Best States To Live When You Can Avoid Th

•, by Tyler Durden

From October 2023 to January 2024, over 21% of employees eligible to work remotely did so for five or more days a week, with more than 67% working from home at least once a week. However, not all remote workers find themselves in ideal working conditions, which ideally encompass low expenses, comfort, security, and minimal distractions.

The feasibility of remote work can significantly vary based on one's location. WalletHub's analysis of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, utilizing 12 key metrics, aimed to ascertain the regions offering the most conducive environments for working from home. This evaluation covered a spectrum of factors, including the proportion of the workforce operating remotely, internet affordability, cybersecurity measures, and the size and occupancy rates of homes.

According to Cassandra Happe, a WalletHub analyst, "Working from home can save people a lot of money on transportation expenses, as well as make their work environment a lot more comfortable and their hours more flexible. However, factors like energy costs, internet speed, home sizes, and household occupancy can significantly impact people's savings and productivity."

She continued: "While remote jobs can technically be done from anywhere, certain states offer much better conditions for this work mode."

Happe highlights New Jersey as the top state for remote work, attributing its ranking to affordable internet and widespread broadband access, alongside a significant portion of the workforce already working from home.

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