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IPFS News Link • Child Protective Services

New York Grand Jury Releases Scathing Report Against Child Protection Services Agency

•, by Alice Giordano

The New York boy died in 2019 from hypothermia after his father, an NYPD cop, inflicted a series of cruel punishments on him. He made the child strip naked, lay on a cold cement garage floor, and hosed him down with cold water. Michael Valva was convicted of his son's murder in 2022.

The grand jury report, released on April 3, is wrought with similar findings in the recent review of the murder of 5-year-old Harmony Montgomery. Details of the girl's murder and the state of New Hampshire's inability to account for her whereabouts for two years gripped the nation.

It was a tragedy set in motion when Massachusetts Family Court Judge Mark Newman awarded custody of the little girl to her father Adam Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery was convicted in February of murdering his daughter.

Judge Newman granted custody to Mr. Montgomery instead of the girl's mother despite his lengthy violent criminal history and transient status.

Before Tommy Valva's murder, Suffolk County Family Court Judge Jeff Zimmerman also awarded full custody of the little boy along with his two brothers to his father Michael Valva over the boy's mother Justyna Zubko-Valva.

In both Harmony and Tommy's cases, court records, which were widely publicized in both murder trials, show that neither of their mothers had any history of abuse or violence.
