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Is YOUR job at risk from the AI revolution?


Is YOUR job at risk from the AI revolution? Six experts predict roles that will be WIPED OUT by AI this decade

Who's at risk of mass job losses caused by the AI revolution - blue or white collar workers?

Most experts agree that artificial intelligence will completely upend the American workforce (there are already signs it's doing so in the tech industry).

But there have been conflicting reports about who is more at risk, lower-wage workers or middle-management types.

A report by the think-tank McKinsey Global estimated Americans on the lowest wages are up to 14 times more likely to be replaced by AI those on the highest.

But a separate JP Morgan report predicted 'mass-scale white-collar job realignment' this decade. spoke to six top experts to cut through the noise. 

Watch out, middle managers

Artificial intelligence will come for repetitive jobs first, but will evolve to replace middle managers, and even knowledge professions such as law and accounting, warned John Warner, founder of Innoventure.

Warner said: 'Human jobs involving repetitive, predictable tasks that can be automated are at high risk, including assembly line work, basic data entry, and some aspects of accounting. 

'Jobs based on a checklist or input boxes on a screen are not long for this world, including telemarketers, travel agents, bank tellers, cashiers, and loan processors.'

Financial analysts and insurance underwriters are also at risk, along with any job which involves large amounts of number-crunching, due to AI's ability to analyze data and access stored knowledge, Warner warned.