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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Movies

"America's General" - Inside the Premier and a First-Look at General Michael Flynn - M

• The Gateway Pundit

Last night, close to one thousand patriots gathered in a small ballroom-style convention center in the beautiful seaside town of Venice, FL for the premier of "Flynn: Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost".  The town's size and proximity to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico made it the perfect venue to kick off the nationwide tour that General Mike Flynn has embarked on to share his story of the lawfare waged against him and his family.

Joined on the tour by retired Green Beret Lt. Col. Ivan Raiklin and Sgt Boone Cutler, General Flynn shines a light on the persecution the Flynn family has faced for the last 7 years and is now similarly being turned loose on everyday Americans, such as the 71-year old grandma who prayed inside the US Capitol on January 6th and was just found guilty of her 'atrocious' behavior (end sarcasm).

Or the pro-life Catholic father of 7 who was defending his 12-year-old son from sexually-explicit harassment thrown in his face by a deranged abortion-loving grown man on a sidewalk.  The local authorities declined to press charges but the Federal Government shortly after swooped in, guns drawn with full battle-rattle, in a 25+ man FBI raid on his Pennsylvania home with all seven inside.  Even the judge who presided over the 'not guilty' verdict raised issue with how thin the case was.

FLYNN Official Short Trailer #1:

America's General!! #fightlikeFlynn

The Flynn Movie premier in Venice, FL.

EXCELLENT documentary!! Absolutely incredible!!!!

code CANNCON@boonecutler @GenFlynn @JosephJFlynn1 @RedPill78 @BadlandsMedia_ @gatewaypundit @realDonaldTrump

— CannCon (@CannConActual) April 6, 2024

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