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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

No, It Does Not Make You a Racist to Reject Eating Bugs or Living in Pods

• Activist Post - Derrick Broze

By Derrick Broze

The corporate media propagandists are working overtime to convince the public there's no reason to fear eating bugs or living in tiny pods. 

In early March, NPR released a propaganda piece attempting to draw a line between racism and people who are questioning the agenda to encourage the public to eat bugs and to live in smaller spaces.

The opposition to these proposals sometimes comes packaged in memes stating "I will not eat ze bugs" or "I will not live in ze pod", complete with faux German accent meant to mock World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab. The WEF and Schwab are largely responsible for helping propel the idea that bugs are the preferred protein source in the fight against climate change.

Independent journalist James Corbett does a great job debunking NPR's claims that only crazy people believe there is an effort to promote eating bugs. He highlights numerous examples of the mainstream implanting the idea that bug protein is humanity's future. Even actress Nicole Kidman was a good propagandist and allegedly ate bugs for Vanity Fair. While the NPR podcast does everything it can to avoid actually investigating if groups like the WEF are involved in promoting the bug agenda, the WEF YouTube channel and website are rife with examples.