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IPFS News Link • Congress-Congressmen

Republican congressman calls for NUCLEAR obliteration of Russia and Gaza

•, by: Ethan Huff

Instead, Walberg would rather the money go towards bombing Russia and Gaza with nuclear weapons.
Walberg says that dropping atomic bombs on Russia and Gaza would result in "quick" victories for he and others who desire such outcomes against the two regions.

These dastardly remarks were made by Walberg at a recent meeting with members of the public in Dundee, Mich. You can hear Walberg speak them to a small group of people in the following video:

Walberg made these statements on March 25 while criticizing President Biden for suggesting any kind of aid for Gaza. To help those innocents would be to defy Israel, Walberg maintained, calling Israel Washington's "greatest ally, arguably, anywhere in the world."

"We shouldn't be spending a dime on humanitarian aid," Walberg scoffed. "It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick."

"The same should be in Ukraine," Walberg continued. "Defeat Putin quick. Instead of 80 percent in Ukraine being used for humanitarian purposes, it should be 80 to 100 percent to wipe out Russian forces."