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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Illegal Immigrants Given 7 Times More Taxpayer-Funded Benefits Than Military Families

•, Sarah Arnold

According to a new report, criminal illegal immigrants are given seven times more taxpayer-funded assistance than military families are.

Part of a $53 million New York City program, illegal immigrant families of four will receive on average $1,440 a month. This is more than the allowance for some deployed troops.

According to the Military Times, enlisted soldiers receive a guaranteed allowance of $452.56 a month in basic for sustenance. Deployed soldiers only receive $399.90 in monthly meal deductions, despite not using base dining halls.

Under the current system, over $200 is lost each month for each deployed soldier and their families. So in other words, soldiers receive about $1,860 less cumulatively during a nine-month deployment than they would have if they had not been deployed.

In comparison, illegal immigrant families living in New York City have been given pre-paid debit cards totaling about $1,440 a month.