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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Letter from Amsterdam


Brian and I arrived in Amsterdam on a Monday morning, after two full days in airports. The journey had seemed weirdly challenged from the start.

A wild snowstorm had cancelled our initial flight, and delayed us by a day. When we finally arrived at Schiphol Airport, tired and stressed, and as we sought to enter the country through Customs, Brian was detained in an interview room, and questioned extensively by three different officials. He was fingerprinted and hand-printed, and had extra facial photographs taken. There was no food or water present.

My wonderful Dutch publisher, founder of the alternative press, Fred Meijroos, and his son and colleague Patrick Meijroos, waited patiently with me, just outside of Arrivals, buying me coffees as my anxiety mounted.

At last, after seven hours, Brian was released.

We settled into a lovely hotel in the charming village of Zeist, set in ancient forests about an hour from Amsterdam; and my media tour began. My book Facing the Beast, which is based on my Substack essays here about life in the Dark Era of the present, and which reveals what the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research volunteers uncovered in their 100 reports based on 450,000 documents — that is, the greatest crime against humanity ever committed — was published in a European country for the first time, and it was also the first time I had been in Europe — indeed, outside the United States — since the 'pandemic.'

Honestly, I had been afraid to travel. As my work as a critic of "lockdown" measures and vaccines gained sometimes global attention, I feared leaving the States; since we have, believe it or not, protections against detention of dissidents in the US that do not apply as soon as one leaves American soil.