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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

President Trump just shared this video on Truth Social--is he sending his enemies...


Make no mistake, 2024 is shaping up to be one of the fiercest political showdowns we've ever seen. The shenanigans of 2020, with the COVID "pandemic," mail-in voting chaos, and ballot harvesting (to name just a few), were just the tip of the iceberg. And here we are again, with the Democrats fielding a candidate who's not exactly at the top of his game. If Joe Biden was considered a lost cause in 2020, the situation has only deteriorated. Now, the man's ability to water a plant, much less run the most powerful country in the world, is under the microscope. Our media ignored it four years ago, but in a huge (unsuccessful) push to get Biden ripped off the ballot, they decided to admit that he's a senile buffoon. Now, much to their chagrin, Joe is still on the ballot, and the quiet stuff that was only whispered about in the shadows is now front and center: Joe Biden likely has a raging case of dementia.

Did you catch what he said about the bridge collapse in Baltimore recently? If you ever needed solid proof of how out of touch he truly is, check this out: