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IPFS News Link • FBI

Viral Videos Appear To Show FBI Agents Visiting Homes Over Social Media Posts

•, by Paul Joseph Watson

The first clip shows three people who claim to be FBI agents visiting a woman called Rolla Abdeljawad at her home in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

The woman asks them to identify themselves, but they refuse to do so while being filmed, before claiming they had already shown the woman their IDs.

"What we'd like to do is have a conversation with you about some social media posts that you've made, would you be willing to talk to us about that?" asks one of the agents.

The woman refuses to talk until she has a lawyer present, before the agent asks her for contact information.

"No, I'll get back to you," states Abdeljawad.

Another agent then asks the woman to have her attorney "contact the FBI office in Oklahoma City."

Abdeljawad is told by one of the agents that "Facebook gave us a couple of screenshots of your accounts."

"Well you can't arrest me for freedom of speech, we live in America, so it's kind of weird that you want to come talk to me about me exercising my freedom of speech," responds the woman.

"We do this every day, all day long we talk to people, it's just an effort to keep everybody safe, make sure that nobody has any ill will or bad intent or anything like that," responds one of the agents.

After Abdeljawad asks if the FBI would question "all the citizens in America" who used Facebook, the agent responds, "We certainly would if we had any sort of concerns."