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IPFS News Link • Ukraine

$300 Million Ukraine Aid Package Has Already Been Spent

•, By Mac Slavo

The allocation for Ukraine was part of a $1.2 trillion spending package signed by President Joe Biden on Saturday, which will ensure funding for the US government until October. Obviously, it wasn't all about just funding the rulers, but providing funding for other ruling classes too; in this case, Ukraine.

The $300 million goes into the Pentagon's Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), a mechanism used by Washington to funnel arms to Kiev, and which funds contracts for future arms and equipment deliveries. The money, however, "is not available for us to use now" due to how the initiative works, a US official told Politico on condition of anonymity. –RT

But, as Politico reported, the ruling class actually allocated this money for Ukraine back in November.

In reality, the $300 million for Kiev was obligated back in November, when the Pentagon announced a support package that it said exhausted the remaining USAI funds. The Department of Defense has since reported that an accounting trick allows it to produce another military assistance package worth $300 million under existing authority. –RT

The U.S. ruling class is going to do whatever it can to waste its resources on a losing battle and keep this war going for as long as possible. However, continued assistance to Kiev from the U.S. has been stifled by partisan divisions. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is blocking over $60 billion in funding for Ukraine that the White House has been demanding for months.