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IPFS News Link • Currencies

The Truth About CoinFlex Revealed

•, Roger Ver

The truth about Mark Lamb and CoinFlex finally revealed.

00:00 Introduction and Background
02:22 Recap of CoinFlex's Side of the Story
05:15 Roger's Side of the Story
09:48 Manipulation of Voting and Mark Lamb's Lies
14:50 Dilution of Equity and Deception
16:20 Mark's Misrepresentations from Court
18:28 Settlement and Failure to Clear Roger's Name
20:36 CoinFlex Creditor Group and Mark Withholding Evidence
23:42 Why Mark Refused to Close Roger's Long Position
30:08 Coordinated Effort to Trade Against Roger
31:42 Mark Lamb's Deception of Creditors
33:10 Stealing the SmartBCH Funds
36:05 Understanding the Motivations of CoinFlex's Creditor Group
38:52 How Mark Gained Roger's Trust
41:05 Mark's Misrepresentations About His Relationship With Roger
