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IPFS News Link • Russia

Moscow massacre 'terrorists' are frogmarched blindfolded into building as they face...


This is the moment the suspected Moscow massacre terrorists are frogmarched blindfolded into a building for interrogation over the concert hall shooting. 

The suspected killers are held tightly by security guards as they are taken out of vans and brought to the Russian Investigative Committee for questioning.

Separate footage shows the arsenal left behind by the gunmen who staged the bloodbath at the Crocus City Hall that left at least 137 people dead. 

Officers said they found four sets of combat ammunition, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines at the scene of the massacre. 

Two Kalashnikov assault rifles were also recovered from the concert hall. 

The attack - which happened in Krasnogorsk, on the outskirts of Moscow on Friday night- is the deadliest attack on Russia in years.   

The four suspected terrorists were seen arriving in an unmarked white van before they entered the concert hall at around 8pm. 

Videos previously emerged on social media of the suspects being arrested - with one shaking on his knees and apparently confessing to carrying out the attack.

Photographs and the names of four suspects have also been released by the Russian media. 

Shots were first fired at people waiting in the foyer before the killers made their way to the concert hall area. 

After shooting at concert-goers the suspected ISIS terrorists set the building on fire, causing the roof to collapse. 

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack and it is thought the men were members of for ISIS-K, an offshoot of the terrorist organisation. 

The group released a sickening 90-second selfie after the attack that is too graphic for MailOnline to share.

The clip, described by the terror group as 'exclusive scenes... of the bloody attack on Christians yesterday in the city of Krasnogorsk in Moscow', begins with one terrorist holding a knife running into the main hall of Crocus City Hall.
