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IPFS News Link • Feminism

The Delusional Feminist Power Fantasy Relies On Male Charity And Tolerance

•, By Brandon Smith

In other words, feminists and woke activists argue that the male power fantasy is a social construct that makes men aggressive, and masculine aggression is supposedly the cause of most of society's ills.

I would point out, however, that we don't really see men talking about or obsessing much over power these days. Instead, it's women (mostly feminists) blithering incessantly about power, institutional power, imbalances in power and how much they want power. If I was to guess by their rantings at the root principle that inspires all of feminism it wouldn't be "equality", it would be the thirst for power.

It's also important to understand that the female power fantasy looks distinctly and darkly different from the average male power fantasy and this is why so many people remain skeptical of women in authority.  All we have to do is look at how they express their desires in fiction.

If one studies the archetypal ideals of the hero's journey (a hallmark of the male power fantasy), what we almost always find are stories of self sacrifice. Power for most men is meant to be used in service to others; to protect and to provide for those who cannot protect themselves. This symbolism is found everywhere in literature, television and movies centered on powerful and popular male figures. Rather than being "toxic," men are compelled by their inherent relationship to power to achieve something greater for all the people around them.

This is not to say that there are no men with twisted motives. History is splattered with male rulers who have abused their authority and committed a host of atrocities. These men, however, are the exception to the rule. The majority of men desire a chance at heroism and adherence to a moral code. We used to call it "chivalry", the opposite of villainy.