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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Google's A.I. Fiasco Exposes Deeper Infowarp

•, By Bret Swanson

It was an unsurprising reaction to the embarrassing debut of the company's Gemini image generator, which Google decided to pull after just a few days of worldwide ridicule.

CEO Sundar Pichai called the failure "completely unacceptable" and assured investors his teams were "working around the clock" to improve the AI's accuracy. They'll better vet future products, and the rollouts will be smoother, he insisted.

That may all be true. But if anyone thinks this episode is mostly about ostentatiously woke drawings, or if they think Google can quickly fix the bias in its AI products and everything will go back to normal, they don't understand the breadth and depth of the decade-long infowarp.

Gemini's hyper-visual zaniness is merely the latest and most obvious manifestation of a digital coup long underway. Moreover, it previews a new kind of innovator's dilemma which even the most well-intentioned and thoughtful Big Tech companies may be unable to successfully navigate.

Gemini's Debut
In December, Google unveiled its latest artificial intelligence model called Gemini. According to computing benchmarks and many expert users, Gemini's ability to write, reason, code, and respond to task requests (such as planning a trip) rivaled OpenAI's most powerful model, GPT-4.

The first version of Gemini, however, did not include an image generator. OpenAI's DALL-E and competitive offerings from Midjourney and Stable Diffusion have over the last year burst onto the scene with mindblowing digital art. Ask for an impressionist painting or a lifelike photographic portrait, and they deliver beautiful renderings. OpenAI's brand new Sora produces amazing cinema-quality one-minute videos based on simple text prompts.