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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden Juiced Up, Ready To Go

•, By Karen Kwiatkowski

We have been seeing signs that old Joe is medically prepped for major public appearances.  His shrill voice and barely suppressed rage is familiar to many of us who have elderly demented friends and relatives.  The man is suffering, no doubt.

The Bidens have staked a claim on public welfare, via graft, vice, and connections, so I don't worry about his health care now or post-presidency.  He will have the best drugs and round-the-clock nursing care that money can buy if he makes it to retirement.   It's the public welfare of the nation that I'm more worried about, and I largely agree with Colonel McGregor in his alternative State of the Union address, on behalf of his organization "Our Country, Our Choice."  I also like the Bobby Kennedy, Jr, take on a State of the Union.

McGregor and Kennedy come from different political homes, but they both believe in this country and want to see it rise to its promise, and embody the vision of the founders.  Both speak of traditions of peace, from a foundation of hope for the welfare of this country. Both are mentally sharp and verbally competent – they don't need the drugs Biden is getting.

Biden's SOTU was filled with promises of free money – as the Fed prints/creates/lends on the basis of nothing a trillion new dollars every 100 days. Biden pushes more abortions in a country has an abortion rate of 14.4 per thousand women (Hey, Joe, Russia has a 13.1 abortions per 1000 women – we are winning the war for abortion against Putin!).  It makes sense for him to pander to what is left of the Democratic coalition.  It makes sense that he says little about Ukraine – a wholly owned Democrat and neoconservative failure.  Biden and his State Department poked and pushed for coups and a proxy war to weaken Russia. The result is a shattered Ukraine that lost half its population, a quarter of its territory, and most of a generation of young men.  For Russia – Biden's "target" – we see a rejuvenated defense capability, a stronger economy, and a whole range of powerful new allies.  The losses for Ukraine, and the gains for Russia, are here to stay, and the US taxpayer paid for all of it under the false promises of a Biden administration.