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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

Whitney Webb: Globalists Plan to Impose CBDC on Unsuspecting Americans thru Stable Coins

•, Whitney Webb

The people who develop the regulations and enforce them are going to be the king makers of which stable coins are the de facto CBDCs.
There is a system being built to criminalize 'misinformation' on the internet. Webb said that the US Department of Justice (DOJ) holds an "insane" amount of Bitcoin. She said that with Binance many people in the DOJ have access to every transaction on the exchange from now going forward, but also everything in the past. She asked what happens if they flag past transactions and retroactively start seizing wallets?

About a year ago, billionaire banker Jamie Dimon suggested that the US government and climate conscious corporations may have to use eminent domain to seize citizen's private property to enact climate initiatives while there still time to stave off climate disasters. Bankers want to remove all property, including land, money and Bitcoin from property owners.

US Plus is a controversial federated regulator forward stable coin that has entered into numerous partnerships with US-based banks to bridge the gap between the digital world and the banking system. Globalists plan to impose CBDC on unsuspecting Americans by masking it as a stable coin.

Webb said that the US Department of Justice (DOJ) holds an "insane" amount of Bitcoin. She said that with Binance many people in the DOJ have access to every transaction on the exchange from now going forward, but also everything in the past. What happens if they flag past transactions and retroactively start seizing wallets?  She said they could do that.