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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden's Misguided Woke Apology to Illegal Immigrants Will Backfire

•, By Mish

Biden won't treat any of these people, even murders and rapists, with disrespect.

The MSNBC clip came a day after Biden's State of the Union (SOTU) mention of Laken Riley.

"He just lost my vote."

That's one. How many others are there?

Here's the Laken Riley SOTU clip.

House Passes 'Laken Riley Act'

In response to the murder, the U.S. House passed the 'Laken Riley Act'.

Key Provisions

(1) the Biden administration should not have released Laken Riley's alleged murderer into the United States;

(2) the Biden administration should have arrested and detained Laken Riley's alleged murderer after he was charged with crimes in New York, New York, and Athens, Georgia;

(3) President Biden should publicly denounce his administration's immigration policies that resulted in the murder of Laken Riley; and

(4) President Biden should prevent another murder like that of Laken Riley by ending the catch-and-release of illegal aliens, increasing immigration enforcement, detaining and removing criminal aliens, reinstating the Remain in Mexico policy, ending his abuse of parole authority, and securing the United States borders.
