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Royal Marine Shares Safety Tips to Teach Kids About Kidnapping and Escaping Predators

• Epoch Times

Mr. Hunting, who now lives in Florida with his wife and three children, is popularly known online as "Dutch in the USA." With his day job of working as an operations manager for a large recycling company, he turned to social media during the COVID-19 pandemic and began creating informative videos on how people could stay safe in potentially dangerous circumstances.

"It was more like showing tricks and tips on how to get out of bad situations like domestic violence or if you really are kidnapped. Then it evolved into testing safety products," Mr. Hunting, 32, told the Epoch Times. "I spent seven years in the military—two years in the Royal Army and five years in the Royal Marines. That's where I got the observation skills and the personal safety skills. ... So some of my skills come out from there, and then a lot of research."