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Is A Mag7 'Gamma Squeeze' About To Send Bitcoin 'To The Moon'?

•, by Tyler Durden

Making money in the markets over the past few months has really come down to four simple steps:

Step 1: Put on pants.

Step 2: Identify buzzy stock-du-jour.

Step 3: Buy metric fuckton of deep OTM, extremely short-dated calls.

Step 4: Sit back, sip coffee, take profits after gamma squeeze complete.

Sounds to simple to be true, right?

And, everyone's searching for "call options"...

At first it appeared to be SoftBank up to its old tricks...

But then, day after day, a different name was picked and gamma-squeeze-algo unleashed on poor unsuspecting dealers...

Of course, the 'buzz' recently has been 'AI' stocks...

ARM Holdings call volume exploding as the stock ramped over 100% in 4 days...

SoundHound AI stocks soared a stunning 330% in the last two weeks as call volumes literally went to the moon...

Careful though - it doesn't always work.

Palo Alto Networks disappointed after the call-buying-brigade has gone wild into earnings and that shitshow left the stock (critical to AI) down 28% in a day (but we do note that since that decline, the gamma-guys didn't give up, pumping the stock up 20% in the last few days on the back even more call-buying)...