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IPFS News Link • Ukraine

Playing With Fire: Zelensky Questions Trump's Patriotism In CNN Interview

•, by Tyler Durden

Kiev may soon have to deal with a Trump White House and 'play nicer' in the near future as it tries to survive the Russian onslaught.  "If Trump doesn't know who he will support, Ukraine or Russia, he will have problems with his society. Supporting Russia means being against the Americans," Zelensky boldly said in a new interview with CNN's Kaitlan Collins.

Throughout the remarks the Ukrainian leader cast Trump as 'weak' on Russia, explaining that Trump doesn't understand that Putin will "will never stop." The implication is that Putin is waging an expansionist war threatening the rest of Europe and that a potential future Trump presidency might just sit on the sidelines.

"I think Donald Trump doesn't know Putin," Zelensky said in the Sunday interview, which is now widely circulating. "I know he met him … but he never fought with Putin. [The] American Army never fought with the army of Russia. Never … I have a better understanding."

"I don't think he understands that Putin will never stop," Zelensky asserted while referencing Trump directly, which comes after fierce criticisms by Trump on the campaign trail which have highlighted the failure of NATO countries in Europe to spend enough on defense.

Zelensky's words also tap into the longtime Democratic 'Russiagate' narrative that Trump has somehow been influenced by Putin. Zelensky was again asked about the former US president's recent biting criticism of NATO wherein the Republican frontrunner said that he'd be OK with Russia doing "whatever the hell they wanted" if NATO countries refuse to meet defense spending targets.

That's when Zelensky issued his sharpest criticism of Trump to date, explaining that it's unclear whether Trump stands with Americans or with Moscow. The words ultimately questioned Trump's patriotism and loyalty to America. Again, this is what Zelensky said... and it seems to call into question Trump's 'loyalties':

"If Trump doesn't know who he will support, Ukraine or Russia, he will have problems with his society. Supporting Russia means being against the Americans."