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IPFS News Link • Politics: Independent and Other Campaigns

Independent Debate Airing in 2 Days

• Free and Equal

Blockchain Election Assistant App
Free & Equal Voting Results

Top 7 Candidates for 2/29 Debate via Blockchain voting app

Confirmed candidates include:

Jill Stein – Green Party
Chase Oliver – Libertarian Party
Lars Mapstead – Libertarian Party
Jasmine Sherman – Unicorn Party
Claudia De La Cruz – Socialist Party


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Independent
Cornel West – Independent

Submit A Debate Question

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Thank you for voting in the top 7 candidates. Now, we invite you to take the next step: submit the questions you're eager to have addressed at the debate. This is your opportunity to shape the conversation and ensure the issues most important to you are discussed on stage. Your voice matters, and we're listening. Submit your questions today and be a part of creating a more informative and engaging debate.

Free & Equal Debates - More Voices, More Choices

Your democratic right to choose should go beyond elections, so we've built a debate platform to amplify your voice. You decide which candidates make it to our stage. You decide the questions. You interact with the debate in real-time. You vote on the winners. By contributing your voice, you not only help build a completely democratic debate stage, but you shape the future of democracy itself.

Join us in building a more accessible, informed and just world.
