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IPFS News Link • False Flag Operations

Is The West Plotting A False Flag Provocation In Poland To Blame On Russia & Belarus

•, by Andrew Korybko

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said during a large meeting with the senior staff of his national security agencies on Tuesday that their Western counterparts are plotting a false flag provocation in Poland. According to his sources, it'll be aimed against civilians there and be blamed on Russia and Belarus. This builds upon what KGB Chairman Ivan Tertel warned about in December, which in turn was an expansion of what Lukashenko himself raised awareness of in June.

The Belarusian leader warned about Belgorod-like terrorist incursions from Poland last summer, but then his aforementioned security chief hinted a few months back that this could be prompted by a false flag incident similar to the one that started World War II. On the subject of world wars, Lukashenko also said during his speech on Tuesday that "Now we are literally covered with an information wave of the so-called premonition of the third world war. There are grounds for concern."

About 32,000 NATO troops have deployed in the vicinity of Russia and Belarus for the bloc's "Steadfast Defender 2024" drills, the largest such ones since the end of the Old Cold War over three decades ago, while another 60,000 or so are training elsewhere in Europe right now. In this tense context, the possible false flag provocation in Poland that he warned about could set World War III into motion if cooler heads in the West don't call it off or can't de-escalate the crisis that would be sparked afterwards.