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IPFS News Link • Canada

Accused of being Controlled Opposition, Possibly Federal Entrapment at-Play!


Bob Metz, for his entire 1-hour, weekly radio program and in writing, voiced his utter disbelief and vehement disagreement with the views expressed by Luke and I, in our recent interview with Will Dove, Fixing Freedom: How to Unf*ck Canada.

We were also interviewed this morning, by Ernie Hancock on Declare Your Independence linked below and here.

The direct quote from Bob Metz's radio show below, and more of his reaction can be found in the 5min read "HOW CLASHES & DISAGREEMENT CAN BRING Solutions, to Divisions in Freedom Movements across Canada, North America, and the Freedom Loving World" published here on my substack last week.

"For the most part, the UFP's perspective on politics and the economy is incoherent, contradictory, and so bizarrely oblivious to any kind of consistency or civilized standard that it is difficult to comprehend what kind of people would support such madness. The principle of justice, due process, or consent is nowhere to be found in their rhetoric. "We don't need their bloody permission" they say of their fellow Albertans."

Luke and I also have plans to sit down with John C.A. Manley over the next few weeks for a 60-minute audio or video discussion, being the popular blogger and novelist who first brought our attention to Bob Metz's reaction.

Trying to arrange a discussion between B