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IPFS News Link • Lawsuits

E. Jean Carroll May Sue Trump Again, and the Reason Is Absurd


At issue were Trump's statements over the weekend at a rally in Michigan, where he criticized Carroll's lawsuits and called them unfair. Crowley indicated that they're keeping tabs on Trump's public statements, waiting to pounce.

"We certainly watch them. It's hard not to," Crowley told MSNBC's Jen Psaki. "Every time Donald Trump speaks, you know, I think as we said at trial many times, he has the biggest megaphone in the world, and so everyone hears them, including us and including our client, E. Jean Carroll. And as you said, what he said was absolutely a lie."

"Two unanimous federal juries have found that not only did Trump know who E. Jean was, he sexually assaulted her and lied about it repeatedly. Everything he said about her over the last five years has been a lie and has been defamatory," Crowley asserted.

While it's true that a jury awarded Carroll $83 million in a defamation lawsuit, her allegations were about as legit as the Russian collusion hoax. Not only did she change her story multiple times, but her story of the alleged sexual assault was also virtually identical to an episode of "Law and Order: SVU" that preceded her public allegations.

Frankly, in New York, it's unlikely that Donald Trump could possibly get a fair trial. She could make up a fresh story based on an episode of "The Simpsons" and probably manage to win.
