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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

Four States Race To Stop 'Great Taking' of All Bank Accounts, Stocks, Bonds, Pensions...

• - Wayne Lusvardi

The good news is this "great taking" can be stopped at the state level. Americans don't need to count on a divided Congress to get the job done. Because the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) is state law, state lawmakers can take concrete steps to restore the property rights of their constituents and protect them in the event of a financial crisis – Ellen Brown, Diffusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions, Feb. 14, 2024.

Presently four relatively small states, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Delaware, are trying to stop the burning fuse of a financial bomb that could cause a legally provided raid on all stock, bond and bank account investments from its residents, businesses, and pension funds in their jurisdictions. This financial bomb is to confiscate assets for losses on purely unrelated speculative gambling bets in the Derivatives Market, not from any genuine risk hedging (as insurance) to protect those financial resources.

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