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IPFS News Link • NATO

NATO's New Mission: Peace Through Censorship

•, by Thaddeus G. McCotter

The left is brazenly proselytizing, neutering, and politicizing the American military with its DEI ideology—an inherently partisan, divisive assault designed to hollow out its historical warfighting spirit and value system.

That the left would expand its political proselytizing into affiliated militaries within our alliances is to be expected. That these politically subversive assaults on our and our allied military must be opposed is imperative.

To wit: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

A transatlantic military alliance in search of a reason for perpetuating its existence, NATO was a prime target for left-wing capture and weaponization; consequently, embracing the left's paranoid narratives, NATO seeks a new mission that placates the elites by asserting that, in stopping nebulously defined authoritarians, the first line of defense is censoring and controlling member states' free citizens.

Thrice annually, NATO's Joint Warfare Centre's (JWC) Public Affairs Office publishes a magazine for its 31 members, "The Three Swords." In Issue 39 of October 2023, Commander Cornelis van der Klaauw [hereinafter, "the Commander"], a Royal Netherlands Navy Subject Matter Expert in the Strategic Communications and Information Operations NATO Joint Warfare Centre, wrote, "To raise awareness of a new NATO concept that is in its infancy, but that will have a significant impact on individuals, groups, societies, and the way future wars are fought: cognitive warfare."

In 2021, NATO initiated this "new concept's" implementation, and the final concept is on the verge of being approved by NATO's Military Committee. Evidently, that means it is time for the alliance to inform the free world that 2024 will usher in 1984.

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