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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

Anyone Who Goes To Work For A Central Bank Coin Is A Traitor

•, Paul

Anyone who takes a job for a central bank or any similar entity, building a cryptocurrency, quasi-cryptocurrency or kind-of-blockchain-thing, is a traitor.

Not just a traitor to Satoshi (though that's very certainly true), and not just to the crypto community, but a traitor to mankind.

This is how rulers enslave us. When we build some great new thing, they try to get rid of it. And if they can't, they just hire us, build a version that suits them, and order everyone to use it. If compliance isn't immediate they post a few heads on pikes.

It has happened over and over, but we can't fall for it this time.

Anyone who builds a central bank coin will be forging the chains of mankind for mere paychecks.

Say it loud.