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IPFS News Link • China

RED DAWN ALERT: Chinese agents are being sent across Mexican border to prepare for attacks...

•, Cassie B.

The Chinese Communist Party is currently taking advantage of lax border controls to put the infrastructure in place in America to attack us from our own soil.

Gatestone Institute Distinguished Senior Fellow Gordon G. Chang recently outlined a number of very compelling signs that such attacks are in the works. One is video posted on X showing recently arrived Chinese migrants firing pistols, including a Chinese woman operating a sniper rifle.

Chinese citizens cannot possess firearms and the migrants had only been on U.S. soil for three weeks. As Chang points out, it seems like an odd way to spend one's time immediately after arriving to a new country with nothing to your name. Most migrants are worried about where they will live and where their next meal will come from; working on shooting skills normally doesn't fit into these plans.

He wrote: "You would not, within weeks of entering your new homeland, be sharpening your skills to kill. You would not be thinking of killing unless... that is what you came to do."

This is supported by comments by retired Air Force General Blaine Holt, who reports that Chinese migrants are also carrying out target practice in Idaho, where he lives.

He said that tens of thousands of men of military age have already made their way into the U.S., including terrorists and state actors working for the People's Liberation Army of China.

"As we speak, these actors are training, making plans and obtaining weapons, watching our patterns and learning our vulnerabilities."

"We are vulnerable to attack," he added. "Our enemies eagerly wait."

Secret Chinese bioweapon lab found in California

Further evidence of the CCP setting up infrastructure to attack the U.S. was seen when authorities uncovered a secret Chinese bioweapon lab near Fresno, California.

More than 20 pathogens were found there, including for Ebola, along with nearly 1,000 mice they had genetically engineered to spread diseases, perhaps in hopes of having agents transport the mice throughout the nation to cause widespread infections.

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