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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

'That is Not the Judgment of the Press': The White House Calls the Media to Heel...

•, By Jonathan Turley

"That is not the judgment of the press." Those words from President Joe Biden were a telling moment after a reporter noted that there is widespread concern that he is mentally diminished. Biden's cranky response was overshadowed by his confusion on other points during the press conference, including mixing up the presidents of Egypt and Mexico. However, it captured the sense of license and expectation of the Biden White House that the press is supposed to toe the line, as it has for three years.

In the disastrous press conference, CNN correspondent MJ Lee reminded Biden that he had urged Americans to "watch me" when he was confronted over his age: "Many [of the] American people have been watching, and they have expressed concerns about your age."

The President angrily responded: "That is your judgment!. That is your judgment! That is not the judgment of the press."

The next day, many in the media came to Biden's defense and attacked the Special Counsel report which detailed his "diminished faculties." Others cleaned up the remark about the press. Biden clearly stated "That is your judgment! That is your judgment. That is not the judgment of the press."

NBC did not include the line in articles on the press conference despite showing it on the live coverage. Roll Call actually edited the President's remarks to insert "for" in the key line: "That is not the judgment [for] the press." That changed the line from questioning the right of the press to make such judgments to telling a reporter what the press view should be. Even if it was a Freudian slip, it was a telling slip. Other media inserted or suggested "public" rather than the press in the line.

The obvious exasperation of the President reflects years of a passive, enabling media that shielded Biden from difficult questions on various scandals, including the corruption scandal.
