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IPFS News Link • Russia

Tuck & Vlad: The Interview of the Decade, if Not the Century!

•, By Cherie Zaslawsky

He's now the envy of the myriad sycophants in mainstream media newsrooms, who do nothing more than read the scripts given them by their handlers, all of whom are in the pay of their globalist masters. Predictably, they're attacking Carlson on cue, meaning he's over the target.

Way to go, Tucker!

He just enabled us to witness a two-hour candid encounter with one of the world's most important leaders.

Those of us who've listened to Putin's speeches in the past—especially his remarkable speech from February 24th, 2022, when he announced his reasons for beginning a military operation in Ukraine—were not surprised to find him a highly intelligent, knowledgeable leader with an unflappable demeanor.  But as Tucker's interview with him proceeded, we also got a glimpse of his candor and wry sense of humor.

Predictably, the Putin demonizers—i.e. the mainstream media, Dems, RINOs, the globalist Left, etc.—are clearly scrambling to enact damage control now that millions of Americans have seen for themselves, by virtue of Tucker's two-hour interview with the Russian President, that Putin is no bogeyman after all. And that means we've been lied to for years.


Those of us who watched all two hours of Tucker Carlson's interview of Putin were treated to an historic conversation in which we witnessed a true statesman steeped in the history of his country and that of Europe, giving insightful, measured, candid yet diplomatic answers to Tucker's questions.

Yet the Leftist media found nothing of value in the entire interview, and everything to disparage.

Two memes appeared almost immediately in the MSM's attempt to discredit Tucker: the claim Tucker is "not a journalist", but rather a "useful idiot." Just in case we miss the point, the press lackeys go on to discredit Putin as well.