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IPFS News Link • Corruption

Bombshell: Treasury Dept. Admits Targeting 'MAGA' Finances Without Due Process


"Not by a damn sight," as fictional gangster Marsellus Wallace might say.

As my Irish-Catholic Midwestern grandmammy used to say as she watered her petunias, "when life gives you lemonades, you make a techno-police state aimed at your domestic political opponents."

Via The Hill:

"Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is requesting a transcribed interview with a former Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) official for allegedly flagging consumer transactions that had the phrases "TRUMP" or "MAGA" in them

Jordan said the committee had obtained documents showing that FinCEN outlined 'typologies' of persons of interest in materials distributed to financial institutions. He said these materials included 'suggested search terms and Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement'* after Jan. 6, 2021."

*Why financial institutions should be enlisted to do federal police work on behalf of the government is a question that might have been asked decades ago, but that ship has sailed. It's now chalked up to standard operating procedure.

The Orwellian censorship regime is nearly beyond parody, as the feds were reportedly interested not just in flagging financial activity of "domestic terrorists," but also of surveilling and flagging the literature they imbibe.

From Rep. Jordan's letter:

"The Committee and Select Subcommittee have obtained documents indicating that following January 6, 2021, FinCEN distributed materials to financial institutions that, among other things, outline the 'typologies' of various persons of interest and provide financial institutions with suggested search terms and Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement.

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