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Is Bitcoin Back On The Launchpad?

•, by QTRs Fringe Finance

Back in late 2022 I said I was going to read The Bitcoin Standard and do more research on it, but I never did.

I finally got around to it earlier this year, after adding Bitcoin exposure once again to my list of 24 stocks I'm watching for 2024, leading me to write this piece last week: Why I Bitcoin

This week I also posted an interview I did with Palisades Gold Radio where I talked about hikes, cycles, timing, gold, silver, miners, bitcoin, potential for a gold reversal, Western leadership, Argentina, emerging markets and optimism vs. reality: No Soft Landing Means Own Hard Assets

This week I also highlighted the growing losses at the Federal Reserve, wondering how, exactly, does a Central Bank make up for operational losses? Who gets that bill? The taxpayer? Congress? The Fed Says Its Record Losses Don't Matter

Last week I also talked about Nvidia and why it seems everyone needs to own the stock. It was a question Harris Kupperman set out to answer in his latest post about the market called "This Is How Blowoff Tops Are Made". In it, he talks about the MAG7 and their disproportionate effect on the S&P 500. You can read his full analysis hereThis Is How Blowoff Tops Are Made: Harris Kupperman

Also last week, I wrote about why I think unprecedented paths will lead to unprecedented outcomes for the stock market. In my latest writeupI ask the question of what would happen if the market crashed while the Fed was already cutting rates? 

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