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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

What Next? Woke State Now Coming After Car Tires

• PJ Media

Let's see: straws, plastic anything, gas powered anything, light bulbs, refrigerators, guns, diving boards, disposable diapers, charcoal grills, the nozzle on your hose and shower head to control your water consumption, the thermostat in your house to control the temperature you live at, and now the tires on your car, so you can be unsafe when you drive, but environmentally responsible in some mythical way.

In Washinton state, Democrats want to outlaw the most popular tires. House Bill 2262 intends to disrupt people's lives by mandating low rolling resistance tires on all passenger vehicles. Of course, this tire ban, by eliminating the tires that everyone wants to use, punishes the innocent. If violated, it would subject people to a $10,000 fine per occurrence.

Like masks, these tires are nothing more than social theater. The tires aren't safe in wet weather, something that the northwest has plenty of, and are also more expensive. They would also need to be swapped out during winter months for snow tires if traveling in areas with seasonal snowfall.