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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Bill Gates planning for "Pandemic 2," complete with new vaccines administered from "a

•, by: Ethan Huff

In a recent appearance on CNBC TV18 in India, Gates was asked about the future of vaccine manufacturing through his eyes, based on the current state of technological and healthcare advancements. Here is what he said:

"We make sure, for all these vaccines, that there's enough capacity, that there's competition so the prices keep going down. And we will have new vaccines. We'll have a TB [tuberculosis] vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine."

Gates continued by rambling about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" that were unleashed through Operation Warp Speed, explaining that for the next pandemic, "we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage."

"And we're going to change, instead of using a needle, to use a little patch," Gates added about the newly envisioned technology.

Whether from a needle or from a patch, poison is still poison, it is important to note. Injected poison is arguably worse as it bypasses the body's natural defense mechanisms, but surely Gates has thought of that, too, and will make the patches just as, or perhaps more, toxic than their needle counterparts.
