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IPFS News Link • DOJ-Department of justice

'Major Differences From Trump Case': WaPo Front-Runs DoJ Decision Not To Charge Biden...

•, by Tyler Durden

Who could have seen this coming?

The Washington Post reports that the Biden Justice Department does not plan to pursue criminal charges against President Biden for his mishandling of classified documents.

The DoJ is reportedly preparing to release a special counsel report in coming days that will be critical of President Biden and his aides for mishandling classified documents in Biden's private home and former office and this WaPo report appears to be the mainstream media foaming the runway as this report crash-lands at the feet of a Republican Congress. WaPo writes:

"While the facts of the Biden case appear to have major differences from the Trump case, Hur's conclusions are likely to face intense scrutiny from Republicans in Congress."

The lack of charges was initially leaked in November, and prompted outrage:

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