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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Ronna Out: RNC Chairwoman Plans To Step Down After Presiding Over 'Party Of Losers'

•, by Tyler Durden

According to the NY Times, which required four journalists, McDaniel has told former President Donald Trump that she'll quit shortly after the South Carolina primary on Feb. 24, according to two people familiar with the plans (ah yes, 'people familiar').

In her place, Trump is expected to promote Michael Whatley, chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party - after which an election will take place.

McDaniel, the longest-serving chair since the 19th century, came under fire in January of 2023 after Republicans had terrible results going back to 2018.

"We've had three substandard election cycles in a row: '18, '20, and '22," Florida Governor DeSantis told TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk in an interview. "Given the political environment of a very unpopular president in Biden, huge majorities of the people think the country is going in the wrong direction—that is an environment that's tailor-made to make big gains in the House and the Senate and in state houses all across the country, and yet that didn't happen."

McDaniel also took barbs from attorney and GOP committee member Harmeet Dhillon, McDaniel's primary challenger in the Jan. 2023 election for chair, telling Fox News: "But you know, at the end of the day, like I said, this isn't school. You don't get a gold star forever. You don't get to stay in your job forever. If you continuously under perform what you promised your clients, they don't hire you the next time around."

In November, after the GOP lost several races that should have been layups, more people called for Ronna's head.

"What, exactly, does Ronna McDaniel do, besides lose?" asked former Trump administration official Monica Crowley on X. "The only thing she SHOULD do is RESIGN. Effective immediately."