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IPFS News Link • Family

More and More Women Want to Be a "Tradwife" But Our Degenerate Culture and Failing Economy

•, by L. Reichard White

Have you heard of the Tradwife Movement yet? It's an acronym for "Traditional Wife." So far, it resides especially among millennial and Gen Z women. These young women would prefer being stay-at-home wives, keeping house, and raising kids as depicted in '50s and '60s movies, TV series — Leave it To BeaverThe Dick van Dyke ShowDennis the MenaceThe Donna Reed ShowI Love Lucy — and so forth.

At hazard of melting a few feminist, LGBTQ — and other currently uncategorized snowflakes — I would suggest that these OG young ladies are embracing their honest, basic, biological genetic nature in the face of a hostile and self-destructive culture.

Now being rather strangely in touch with several of the above, particularly the feminist branch — because I was raised by my mother, grandmother, and their stalwart aid, Helen Kovachik — I can speak with experience and a reasonable amount of credibility.

In particular, my mother, a successful Broadway actress ( "Having Wonderful Time" etc.), gave up her career, worked as a chef, and then a teacher and finally a college professor in order to raise me.

She was a great mom and so I should have realized the implications when she told me every once in awhile that she would have much prefered to stay at home, keep house and raise a bunch of kids, even in preference to her Broadway career.

I always thought that was interesting but I failed to take it seriously until I got my second datapoint.

For convenience we can call that second datapoint Myra. She was a successful women's rights attorney and best friends with Steve Goldberg, another quirky gambling legend straight out of the late 20th century. That's why, along with my last wife Chrissy, we were having a comped lunch at Donald Trump's Atlantic City Taj Mahal before it went bankrupt.