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IPFS News Link • World Economic Forum

WEF say World's greatest threat is "Misinformation"

• Joanne Nova

Finally, they admit that Free Speech is more scary than climate change

The WEF, being the billionaire's ski club — are of course, talking about the worlds greatest threat to them, not to you.

In the WEF Global Risks Report they asked 1,490 experts and leaders and their the list of biggest risks in the next two years was misinformation and disinformation. Forget bioweapons, nuclear bombs, wars, corruption, asteroids, inflation and global boiling — the thing that keeps the favored "experts" awake at night is whether people will point out their flaws and expose the rorts* that put them at the top of the pile.

The "Misinformation and Disinformation" line is dressed up as a concern that AI generated or false information is the problem, but note the giveaway — those in authority are most worried about public opinion shifting to distrust those in authority — as if "authority" could never be wrong.
