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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

No More Playing by The Left's Rules

•, By eric

We might learn something from that.

An example – one of many – is how "X" (which is the same 'ol Twitter, rebranded) continues to gull opponents of the Left into playing on its field. I myself have been foolish enough to do this. My thought being: X/Twitter is the big player, social media-wise, and if you want to reach people – if you want to challenge Leftist ideas publicly – then this is what you have to do. The problem with this reasoning is the assumption that the Left will allow you to challenge Leftist ideas publicly.

I can assure you this is not how the Left plays.

The Left plays dirty. Oilily. Twitter/X is clever enough not to outright ban wrongthinkers as that would be noticeable. Far better to not notice wrongthinkers. This is done via what amounts to sending them to a "time out" room  where no one else knows they are. The wrongthinker is left to talk to himself. The genius of it is the wrongthinker may not realize he's talking to himself; that almost no one – including the people who "follow" him – is seeing anything he puts on the site because the site puts what he posts in the "time out" room, where no one will ever see what he posted.

This is done irregularly, too.

Sometimes, the Leftists who control the "time outs" allow a post/comment to get through – and allow replies, too. This causes the wrongthinker to doubt what's being done to him, which is part of the Left's broader agenda of making those who oppose the Left feel that nothing is certain, including their own perceptions of objective reality. It also serves to keep him playing on the Left's field, hoping – like Charlie Brown – that maybe this time, Lucy the Leftist won't pull the football away and that he'll be able to kick it, at last.