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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden Is Everything People Feared Trump Would Be


HuffPost's Akbar Shahid Ahmed writes the following:

"American officials say the Biden administration is not doing all it can to reduce tensions, despite public commitments from senior officials to avoid a regional blow-up.

" 'I've been trying to keep an avalanche from falling on Lebanon and so have a lot of people,' one official told HuffPost, saying many national security personnel fear unchecked U.S. support for Israel will make it overly confident about expanding operations into Lebanon. 'The problem is no one can rein in Biden, and if Biden has a policy, he's the commander-in-chief ? we have to carry it out. That's what it comes down to, very, very, very unfortunately.' "

Listening to the way people on the inside have been talking about Biden's bull-in-a-China-shop behavior regarding middle east policy lately, one can't help being reminded of the way the liberal press used to talk about the erratic and irresponsible behavior of Donald Trump when he was in office. The mood and tone feels like when Trump was exchanging verbal hostilities with North Korea in the first year of his term, which comedian John Mulaney famously likened to the disorder and discomfort of having a horse loose in the hospital.

We're all just standing here praying that this lunatic doesn't ignite yet another horrific war in the middle east while watching him unapologetically sponsor a genocide in Gaza, and we're still a ways off from emerging safely from the world-threatening nuclear brinkmanship his administration dragged everyone into with Russia in Ukraine. And it's hard not to notice that this all sure looks an awful lot like what liberals were terrified would happen when Trump got into office.

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