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IPFS News Link • European Union

The EU Wants to Spy on Europeans' Internet Use

•, By Robert Blumen

The EC's eIDAS Article 45, a proposed regulation, would deliberately weaken areas of internet security that the industry has carefully evolved and hardened for over 25 years. The Article would effectively grant the 27 EU governments vastly expanded surveillance powers over internet use.

The rule would require all internet browsers to trust an additional root certificate from an agency (or a regulated entity) from each of the national governments of each one of the EU member states. For the non-technical readers, I will explain what a root certificate is, how internet trust has evolved, and what Article 45 does to this. And then I will highlight some of the commentary from the tech community on this matter.

The next section of this article will explain how the trust infrastructure of the internet works. This background is necessary in order to understand how radical the proposed Article is. The explanation is intended to be accessible to a non-technical reader.

The regulation in question addresses internet security. Here, "internet" means, largely, browsers visiting websites. Internet security consists of many distinct aspects. Article 45 intends to modify public key infrastructure (PKI), a part of internet security since the mid-90s.