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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

WATCH: Vivek Puts Media on the Spot With Stunning Questions...

•, By Nick Arama

Vivek Ramaswamy certainly seems to have a talent in knowing how to deal with media. We've seen this now on multiple occasions where he has taken apart reporters who try to take him out but find the tables being turned on them. The most recent examples of this were when he decimated NBC's Dasha Burns as well as a WaPo reporter on questions about racism and white supremacy. 

But the questions he asked the media on Wednesday were truly something else. He was talking with two state reps, and one of them wanted to know if there was any of the national media who believed they were wrong. 

Vivek said that was a great question, and then he asked the assembled media in front of him some things I think we would all like to know from them.

"Who here is willing to admit that the Trump-Russia collusion hoax was inaccurately reported by the mainstream media?" he asked of the reporters. 

There didn't seem to be any takers to acknowledge that basic truth. They frankly seemed stunned that he would even ask them such a thing. One reporter offered it "wouldn't be really appropriate for answer a question like that." 

"Why not?" Vivek asked. "What's inappropriate is lying to the public." 
