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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

2024: Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course?

• - J.B. Shurk

Part of the political theater propping up the illusion of electoral choice in this Kabuki dance that the State-controlled press calls "democracy" is the lie that officeholders from different parties are at each other's throats.  More Americans than ever finally see through this convenient fiction and understand that a single Uniparty acts as a guild of political thespians who are the face of a permanently entrenched national security Deep State that runs the show.

Furthermore, more Americans than ever finally recognize that the United States is not a country that supports free markets but rather a central bank-directed financial cartel that regulates labor, commodities, and transactions so stringently that there is nothing outside of the government's (or Wall Street's) economic control.  Taxing Americans' labor, forcing them to use an inflation-driven paper currency, and encumbering their ownership of real property are not policies for encouraging middle class prosperity; they are chains meant to create debt-anchored, government-dependent slaves.